Hands of Love

The hands of a
baby, such delicate parts of the body, yet such strength God has created in the
ten fingers. Sometimes I look at my 85
year old hands – wrinkled, and sprinkled with brown spots – and wonder whose
hands these are. I remember my Grosmom
Siemens’ hands and how she could pinch skin on the back of her hand and the
skin remained vertical for some time.
Now my skin does the same thing. Age
as well as youth is a time of wonder.
baby, such delicate parts of the body, yet such strength God has created in the
ten fingers. Sometimes I look at my 85
year old hands – wrinkled, and sprinkled with brown spots – and wonder whose
hands these are. I remember my Grosmom
Siemens’ hands and how she could pinch skin on the back of her hand and the
skin remained vertical for some time.
Now my skin does the same thing. Age
as well as youth is a time of wonder.
The intricately
God-made hands have many uses to show emotions and feelings and serve. I remember Mom’s hands. They created a song, loaves of bread, coaxed
a flower into being or a new dress. She
comforted and soothed each baby she held.
Her hands held God’s Word and folded themselves in prayer. She held a pencil or touched the keys on a
typewriter to create word-pictures of prose or poetry.
God-made hands have many uses to show emotions and feelings and serve. I remember Mom’s hands. They created a song, loaves of bread, coaxed
a flower into being or a new dress. She
comforted and soothed each baby she held.
Her hands held God’s Word and folded themselves in prayer. She held a pencil or touched the keys on a
typewriter to create word-pictures of prose or poetry.
Her hands were
tools of the seen and the unseen. She
held out a bouquet of flowers she grew for the sick and aged to give hope and
love. She baked loaves of bread to
feed the hungry and hopeless. She guided
hands over the black and white keys of the piano to heights of ecstasy of
sound. She wielded a hammer and other
tools to build my desk and bed. Nothing
was too small. Mom created beauty with the small tatting spindle with patience
deal and a spool of thread.
tools of the seen and the unseen. She
held out a bouquet of flowers she grew for the sick and aged to give hope and
love. She baked loaves of bread to
feed the hungry and hopeless. She guided
hands over the black and white keys of the piano to heights of ecstasy of
sound. She wielded a hammer and other
tools to build my desk and bed. Nothing
was too small. Mom created beauty with the small tatting spindle with patience
deal and a spool of thread.
Each human hand
has 27 bones. Wikipedia describes the hand. Fingers
are some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the body, are the richest
source of tactile feedback, and have the greatest positioning capability of the
body; thus the sense of is intimately associated with hands. Like other paired
organs, each hand is dominantly controlled by the opposing brain
hemisphere, so that ‘handedness’, or the preferred hand choice for
single-handed activities such as writing with a pencil, reflects individual brain functioning. This is a portion of
information about the hands.
has 27 bones. Wikipedia describes the hand. Fingers
are some of the densest areas of nerve endings on the body, are the richest
source of tactile feedback, and have the greatest positioning capability of the
body; thus the sense of is intimately associated with hands. Like other paired
organs, each hand is dominantly controlled by the opposing brain
hemisphere, so that ‘handedness’, or the preferred hand choice for
single-handed activities such as writing with a pencil, reflects individual brain functioning. This is a portion of
information about the hands.
Then there is
what is known as ‘heart-deep’ hands used for babies, the ill, the blind, the
elderly and Alzheimer’s patients – words such as reassurance, trust,
calming and friendship are words that comes from those who use their
loving and caring hands.
what is known as ‘heart-deep’ hands used for babies, the ill, the blind, the
elderly and Alzheimer’s patients – words such as reassurance, trust,
calming and friendship are words that comes from those who use their
loving and caring hands.
Billy Graham said, God has given us two hands, one to
receive with and the other to give with… With hands there is a giving and receiving. Hands create choices every day. Will we give or will we just receive with
hands. God created hands to have and
hold our children, our loved ones, dispensing our love. Or do we let anger and unrest create weapons
of our hands to face the world? It is
our choice.
receive with and the other to give with… With hands there is a giving and receiving. Hands create choices every day. Will we give or will we just receive with
hands. God created hands to have and
hold our children, our loved ones, dispensing our love. Or do we let anger and unrest create weapons
of our hands to face the world? It is
our choice.
Walk with Adam as he tended the Garden of Eden and
Abraham as he raised the knife to sacrifice Isaac to God. Can you see David
lift the slingshot in his hands and slay the giant? Can you see the mothers of Moses, Hannah and
Jesus cradle their sons? Can you see Moses carrying a staff to lead the
Children of Israel for 40 long years?
Can you see Hannah leaving her precious son with Eli? Can you see Mary
holding Jesus and pondering His birth?
Can you see the hands of Judas as he carried the thirty pieces of silver
as he brought the soldiers to betray Jesus?
Abraham as he raised the knife to sacrifice Isaac to God. Can you see David
lift the slingshot in his hands and slay the giant? Can you see the mothers of Moses, Hannah and
Jesus cradle their sons? Can you see Moses carrying a staff to lead the
Children of Israel for 40 long years?
Can you see Hannah leaving her precious son with Eli? Can you see Mary
holding Jesus and pondering His birth?
Can you see the hands of Judas as he carried the thirty pieces of silver
as he brought the soldiers to betray Jesus?
Now, walk with me as we see the love and compassion
that flows through the hands of Jesus. I
see Him gather the little children to Him to lay his hands on them and pray. I see Him lay his hands on the sick and
infirm. (Matthew 9:34-36) He healed every kind of disease and every kind
of sickness among the people. He raised
Lazarus from the dead. Why? He felt compassion upon them.
that flows through the hands of Jesus. I
see Him gather the little children to Him to lay his hands on them and pray. I see Him lay his hands on the sick and
infirm. (Matthew 9:34-36) He healed every kind of disease and every kind
of sickness among the people. He raised
Lazarus from the dead. Why? He felt compassion upon them.
Jesus, our Savior, a Man
of Compassion, a Man of Love, a Man of Eternity. Jesus is the Shepherd of lost lambs. What do His Hands have to do with His
of Compassion, a Man of Love, a Man of Eternity. Jesus is the Shepherd of lost lambs. What do His Hands have to do with His
Jesus, after being
betrayed, was taken from the Garden of Gethsemane by soldiers to be scourged
and tried. Then he carried his cross to
the Hill of Golgotha. The soldiers
nailed him to the cross. The nails
pierced the flesh of his hands…and love poured out. His compassion and love did not waver as his
blood ran to forgive us of our sins. The
unimaginable burden of all sins during all time weighed on his heart.
betrayed, was taken from the Garden of Gethsemane by soldiers to be scourged
and tried. Then he carried his cross to
the Hill of Golgotha. The soldiers
nailed him to the cross. The nails
pierced the flesh of his hands…and love poured out. His compassion and love did not waver as his
blood ran to forgive us of our sins. The
unimaginable burden of all sins during all time weighed on his heart.
And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit. Luke 23:46.
And then Jesus was buried to rise on the first day.
And then Jesus was buried to rise on the first day.
Now after the Sabbath, as it began to
dawn toward the first day of
the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the
grave. And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of
the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat
upon it. And his appearance was like
lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.
Matthew 28:1-3
dawn toward the first day of
the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the
grave. And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of
the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat
upon it. And his appearance was like
lightning, and his clothing as white as snow.
Matthew 28:1-3
So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and
when the doors were
shut where the disciples
were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood
in their midst and said
to them, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19
when the doors were
shut where the disciples
were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood
in their midst and said
to them, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19
But being full of
the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and
Jesus standing at the right hand of God; and he
said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son
of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:55-56
the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God, and
Jesus standing at the right hand of God; and he
said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son
of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:55-56
The hands that made the universe and made us, save us. We look at our hands and look up. We ask Jesus to use our hands to serve Him
and others – in His Name. His great love
and compassion echo in these lyrics by David Crowder….
In His hands that hung the sky, In His hands that touched the blind, In
His hands, He is holding me
His hands, He is holding me
In His hands that flung the stars, In His hands that bear the scars, In
His hands, He is holding me
His hands, He is holding me
Oh, Jesus, the One who frees us, the One who holds us all up, Jesus, the
One who saves us, the One who holds us all, In His hands of love.
One who saves us, the One who holds us all, In His hands of love.
Comments? eacombs@att.net