

IKings19-11-12At midnight last night, the wind blew and shook the house.  This morning I thought about this verse.  God is in the Whisper…and He talks to our hearts when our world shakes and our pinnings seem less than secure.  The storm was like a warning for the conversation we would have at the breakfast table.  My dear husband asked me if he had children.  I named them.  He said, “Why don’t I know them?”  “Is my Dad around here?”  I answered then, ” Your Dad lives in Heaven, he died 34 years ago.”  When he asked, “Who did I marry,” I answered in 3rd person.  You married Emily 63 years ago.  “What is your name?”  I answered, “Emily!””Are there two Emilys?”  I wonder what will happen when he no longer is able to talk because of the Lewy Body Dementia that is erasing his memory.When the storms come and listen for the whisper of Truth in the deafening roar of trouble is the only way to survive.  Ignore the distraction of the world and hold on to Prayer and Faith in God our Father.“I am the Alpha and the Omegathe beginning andthe end,” says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, andwho is still to come—the Almighty One.” Revelation  1:8