
September 16, 2016 – Ephesians 4:2

ephesians4-2Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s  faults because of your love. Ephesians 4:2Thinking of others more than self is humility.  A mindset of serving others is humility.  Loving others without finding fault is humility. Being patient with someone else who walks slower and who understands someone being slower is learning to live together, loving humility and peace.  Those who let others lead, yet have the ‘Come with me and let’s learn together‘ spirit have humility.  It is always easier to learn with a role model or mentor that a dictator.Learning to love the warts and disfigurement of impatience in others and teaching them to care for others becomes an example of a true Teacher.There is only one way to keep ourselves united in the Spirit.  This is not something we can do a alone.  It is a relationship….first with our Lord God, trusting Him.  The second is loving relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.There is only one way to bind ourselves together in peace.  Loving others as Jesus loves us…’twenty four/seven’ and as long as Jesus gives us breath on this earth.  God places so many friendships in our paths.  Never is there a time when He does not entrust someone for us to love and  helps us bind ourselves together in peace.  Humility, Trust and Encouraging Words and Loving Deeds bloom in the same garden.  Weeding out anger, impatience and chaos around us is not always possible.  Yet, soul to soul, we bind together in peace when we love like Jesus loves us.

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:3