
November 20, 2015 – Daniel 10:18-19

Daniel10-18-19-Then the one who looked like a man touched me again, and I felt my strength returning. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” Daniel 10:18-19Who was this man who Daniel this?  Why did it scare Daniel? Daniel prayed and ate nothing for three weeks after he understood the message about the big war that was coming.  They called it a conflict.  When Daniel heard this man speak, he fainted.What kind of man was Daniel?  These verses tell us when this man said,“Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.Daniel wanted to understand God and he was humble.  This is what humility is…not when you think you know it all, but when you listen and learn from God…then you are humble.  That is when you become righteous, when you, and me, follow what we learn from God.Can you imagine walking up to a gate and seeing the joy inside, and it is closed?  It will only be closed to those who are not righteous or faithful.  Then we will receive the promise of joy!You, the Lord God, will keep us in perfect peace when we trust in Him.  Wait, there is more.  And whose thoughts are kept on the Lord God and his Words?  Trust?  What is that?  It is when you believe God’s Word.  It is when we don’t allow any other messages from the world to come before God’s Word.Why should we trust Him?  Do you keep all your promises?  Think of all those you depend on, do they keep their promises?  The LORD does.  He is the Eternal, He is our forever Rock.  You can always count on Him.  His gate is open to you because He loves you!Open the gates to all who are righteous; allow the faithful to enter. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:2-4