Memories & Wonder of Love

girl, at six years old, had no dreams of being ninety years someday. Now
a ninety-year-old woman, she wonders what is expected. Just a brief
note her Mother wrote, Life Begins at Eighty.
Mom explained being 80 gives you an excuse to be
helped. A person of 80 can relax with no misgivings. Nobody expects much of
you. If you act silly, you have entered your second childhood. I surprise
everyone by being able to reveal lucid intervals.
helped. A person of 80 can relax with no misgivings. Nobody expects much of
you. If you act silly, you have entered your second childhood. I surprise
everyone by being able to reveal lucid intervals.

first eighty years are the most difficult, and then we live the good
life. According to Mom’s reasoning, I have been living the good life for
up for ten years now.
These three words introduce a new thought, Do you remember when,
or I remember when. Then comes the outpouring of Christmas time with
gifts of Grosmom’s peppermint canes, twelve inches long; Dad squirting fresh
goat milk into my mouth as I bent down beside him; roller-skating up and down
the sidewalk on 14th Street in Clinton, OK. Family ‘pow-wows’
in the yard, eating popcorn, fudge and drinking lemon-aid, until War II came
and caused sugar rationing.
In August 2012, I asked, “Where do memories hide?” 2012 is the pivotal year my
husband, Ed’s, memories began to disappear one by one. During that time, I
remembered back to the age of three years. I realized how precious to share the
‘remembrances of life happenings!’
I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore,
nations will praise you forever and ever. Psalm 45:17. Is this the reason
we remember? Do you remember when’s are unnumbered to show the workings of God!
Do you remember when the floods came, and we remember because of the rainbow appearing
in the sky? Do you remember when the children of Israel walked on a dry path
through the Red Sea to escape captors? Do you remember when Daniel survived a
night in the lions’ den, to teach a King who is Lord? Do you remember
God’s promise to Abraham when he had no children, that his children would
number as many as the stars in the sky? Do you remember all the lame and the
blind who were healed, and Lazarus, raised from the dead, to glorify our
lost the memory of being married and having children. He became blind, lost the
ability to walk, but the one thing he remembered the longest is his faith in
Jesus, our Lord, and Savior. What a blessing. I told the story of Jesus over
and over to Ed. We listened to hymns. I sang hymns to him and often saw
his lips move as he recounted the words. What a blessing, God gave me the
opportunity to know many songs. Then I saw the purpose of playing hymns and
voice lessons. The purpose gave my husband a connection to Jesus in his mind.
Each memory leads to another memory, like a string of lustrous pearls. Memories
are a record of important moments in our lives. Our barometer of living
life in Christian Love.
When I wrote in August 2012 about Memories, I realize the
Five Senses give an outline of nudges to remember.
· Watermelon and Rollkucken, Home-made
peppermint ice cream for Grandma Daisy’s birthday.
peppermint ice cream for Grandma Daisy’s birthday.
· Dairy Queen Mother’s Day when Ed would
stop at the dairy queen. Hot fudge sundae!
stop at the dairy queen. Hot fudge sundae!
little baby I see reminds me of our four children when they were small.
little baby I see reminds me of our four children when they were small.
blue sky reminds me of Mom’s eyes, she could see to the inside of me.
blue sky reminds me of Mom’s eyes, she could see to the inside of me.
sunset reminds me of our nephew Matt at twelve years, comforting me, “Don’t
Worry- Grandpa Siemens is in God’s Pocket!”
sunset reminds me of our nephew Matt at twelve years, comforting me, “Don’t
Worry- Grandpa Siemens is in God’s Pocket!”
song of the bird, every flower that blooms, the wind in the trees, the thunder
in the skies reminds me of our Lord Almighty and His Love.
song of the bird, every flower that blooms, the wind in the trees, the thunder
in the skies reminds me of our Lord Almighty and His Love.
notes on a piano remind me of Mother playing at dusk, as we three drifted off
to sleep.
notes on a piano remind me of Mother playing at dusk, as we three drifted off
to sleep.
from the past, Dad’s “up and at ‘em!” or Mom’s “time to do your dishes,” bring
back memories of childhood.
from the past, Dad’s “up and at ‘em!” or Mom’s “time to do your dishes,” bring
back memories of childhood.
delight of touching fabrics and remembering the many clothes Mom made for me.
delight of touching fabrics and remembering the many clothes Mom made for me.
touch of a newborn babe, remembering each of our grandchildren, each a gift from
touch of a newborn babe, remembering each of our grandchildren, each a gift from
each hug reminds me of the Love God gives us.
each hug reminds me of the Love God gives us.
Being Ninety years is a walk of faith,
waiting for my last breath before I greet Jesus Christ. I am walking in
this world, yet my heart lives in Heaven, awaiting His Call to come home.
waiting for my last breath before I greet Jesus Christ. I am walking in
this world, yet my heart lives in Heaven, awaiting His Call to come home.
not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in
me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so,
would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I
go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to
myself, that where I am you may be also.” John 14:1-3.
not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in
me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so,
would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I
go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to
myself, that where I am you may be also.” John 14:1-3.