
Lord we ask of you… Give us More*
The longer I live the more I want to know Jesus. I want to please Him. In this golden olden age I remember my Grosmom Siemens rocking on the front porch singing in rhythm with the rocking chair, “Shall We Gather At the River”. (Robert Lowry) Shall We Gather at the River, Where bright angel feet have trod…With its crystal tide forever, Flowing by the throne of God.I wondered what she thought about sitting hour after hour. Now I know. She remembered the joy she knew as a young girl, a young mother, her adoring husband, and her children. And all the blessings God had given her through the years that began in Norka, Saratov, Russia in 1876 and ended in Clinton, Oklahoma in 1943. The same spiritual journey we all make.When we live and breathe Jesus, prayer-ready, Word-hungry and Love-Living, we grow in peace and His Grace. Every star we see, every smile we enjoy, every flower that lifts its face, every bird’s song reminds us that we belong to God. We lift our hearts in praise, no matter what state the world around us is in, we are living for our Heavenly home being prepared for us.And we sing — More of You!
*Mary Alessi – More of you lyrics.