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Frustration 101
What have I learned? If you are talking about my G4 10.3.9, I learned not to take the computer to someone else to help…. Immediately after the archival re-installation of the system, all was well, and I learned a lot, UNTIL, this lady said, you have a firewall on your Mac, but you haven’t activated it. So being cautious, and wanting to ward off any bad stuff — I decided Yes. Mistake, Mistake, Mistake.
Later, while trying out and learning a bit about Photoshop Elements 3 — I made a gorgeous logo for the church page for the Valentine Banquet. (rogerschristianchurch.org) I found out a week ago that the ftp was not working. Not even an error message. OK. So I checked with the server person, they could access the website from their computers, and also, the computer at their house. So what is wrong?
Later I encountered the dreaded 530 Finally on Thursday I began working in earnest. I wrote to Adobe GoLive forum. I left about 7 messages, and received that many messages. I tried everything they said, and now my computer is in worse shape. (I think) Yesterday I became so frustrated trying to figure out what Systems Preferences < File Sharing or Network ins and outs were. So what is a FTP proxy? What is a passive FTP? What is Service? What is Firewall? What do I click? How do I get it all back?
Dad is such a calming influence. He keeps holding my hand, reading all the books and helps – which don’t.
On Thursday I called the lady who activated the FireWall. She didn’t know what it was either. Call Monday, she said. Sure! I give 5 piano lessons on Monday. Do you think I want to trot on down to Fayetteville and spend another hour with this lady? I told her I didn’t think I could afford another $35 an hour.
I tried, after Anna suggested it, to check on Dad’s computer. Yup! WS_FTP took us on in. I found Transmit, and tried to access Anna’s website. I was so excited. It worked. Was I getting somewhere?
Thought about re-installng GoLive 6 and the update. Wouldn’t you know — the GoLive 6 was an update, and the serial number didn’t work, look for GoLive 5. What??? OK. I looked. Two hours later, the last place I looked, there it was. Everything worked fine, until the update — which had an error and couldn’t upload. Foiled again.
Then I checked this and that, and wrote it all down. I have been searching one of Reilly’s books, all my GoLive books, haunting the Adobe forum with this reply…..I’m out of ideas…..she is the one that wrote look at…..I looked and nothing happened. I want something like the Robitussen commercials….look at it and my picture comes on and says, Emily, here is the way you fix it.
Friday I was so frustrated I stopped and made a pumpkin pie. Today I made some pudding and some butter pecan cake. Took a walk with Dad both days. Gets me away from the BEAST.
Transmit is a purely bottom line Mac FTP program that I understand easily. I uploaded the page and the logo with it. A bit unwieldy, but workable. So I could go forward with the webpage, juggling two programs. Not ideal, but workable.
Meanwhile I have ideas and want to write…and can’t because I am troubleshooting. The helpful lady on the forum, when I told her about my baking in frustration — wrote back — I wish you lived next door. She has the same Mac and same operating system. Kindred cyber sisters but no more ideas!!!
Wait until Monday. If you try to call, you may find the telephone wires sizzling a bit. Going to suggest something. I am not sure what. I have my settings written down for posterity or something. So if you understand a bit about this problem and you want to give me advice…feel free! I will send you my notes.
Which I want to be FREE from Frustration 101!