Happy New Year, Ben!
One more day hits the sunset, splendor-ing into wild God-painted colors. As I contemplate the day, and how low key it has been, I thought about our family and how they were spending the day. Tomorrow the world galivants into full speed as all systems resume their spinning and groaning and maneuvering in the space they require.
As I looked about at the disarray of the house, the Christmas decorations that need to be tucked away, the many projects just begun, I began the panic-mode. For tomorrow.
Then the Messenger popped up. And my grandson’s name lights up. After the usual greetings, not too many cyber-speak initials. “Happy New Year!” I quip. His answer was intriguing, “2008 is wonderful!” Of course, I ask why. Ben answers, “I will graduate from high school!”
I can see that. I remember what it was like being a senior! And then he adds another phrase that sets my soul to singing……”2008 – one more year closer to God’s coming!”
Soon Ben began his usual ttyl, gtg….love you, bye. I responded, love, bye.
He was gone from the cyber-world, but his words had left an imprint on my soul.
At the age of 18, Ben is aware that that this world is not all there is. This world is just a breath away from being with Jesus. His life is a testimony to the words, ‘Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.’ Acts 4:12.
Thanks, Ben, for setting a Sign Post of Jesus to follow in 2008.
I love you,
Comments? eacombs@gmail.com