
Helping Brings Hope

Our son Dan was almost two years old when we brought our second son, Paul, home from the hospital. Dan watched the oohs and ahhs as his grandparents held little Paul. Grandma Siemens said, “I think Paul is thirsty!” We didn’t notice Dan leaving the room, but he rushed off to the bathroom, got on his Bangsta (small bench), put water in his glass and brought it to the living room. All four of us stared at Dan’s earnest little face as he tried to help his new brother. That event, though small, was never forgotten. For Dan showed his helpful nature and his helpful nature brought us hope. Hope that lives on even today 56 years later.

Helpfulness is what attracted me to Ed, my husband. When I first knew him, he bought winter coats for three small little boys, whose parents had no money. His helpfulness was extended to many in our almost 56 years together. He continues to want to give and share. His gifts of generosity extend from giving of our financial means, to his time to others and his prayers for others. Let me forget where I placed the car keys, and he is the one who finds them for me. His helpfulness brings hope to many.

It is often said that what is modeled children learn, and our four children also model this same helpful spirit to those around them, in four different states. They tell me of helping others on moving day, providing help for children in India including bringing us two new grandchildren from India, to teaching children and adults, to serving as leaders in their respective churches and simply being the heart, hands and feet of Jesus to those around them.

Always helpfulness brings hope. What is hope? Anna, our daughter, provided a look at hope in a brief blog, drivingwithanna.blogspot.com. Hope is the belonging we have in Christ Jesus. Colossians 1:4 – The lines of purpose in your lives never grow slack, tightly tied as they are to your future in heaven, kept taut by hope. Hanging in there in life, and seeing the needs of others brings us over the rough spots.

A friend of mine, just 53 years old, was struck down with cancer. She came through the chemo treatments singing the chorus – “The joy of the Lord is my strength…..” She was declared ‘clean’ and then two months later, she was told she only had weeks to live. She continues singing her song and continues to draw strength from Jesus. She is outliving her prognosis. Even in her illness, she helps others, thinks of others and all who visit her are strengthened by her indomitable spirit in Jesus Christ.

Helpfulness, like prayer, brings love. For when you help someone you can’t help beginning to love that person. The same with prayer, for prayer isn’t always for another person, for prayer changes us, the pray-er.

This brings us to the next step….hope brings compassion! As a child, I always had hope…often for tomorrows…the many tomorrows that all girls do. I can hardly wait until I am twelve, I will have a birthday party, or, a new dress, or being sixteen so I can wear lipstick, date and drive a car. That was a big year. Then it was marriage and a family, then grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Now my hope has turned to compassion for my family, for those who have needs – physical, emotional and spiritual. And the compassion turns to love for our Heavenly Father, for without Him, there is no helpfulness, no hope, no compassion and no love.

Even as my parents, grandparents and great grandparents, I am learning what it means to have ‘joy and strength’ in the Lord and see beyond myself. I have a deeper commitment to Jesus, and desire that my grandchildren and great-grandchildren join me, even as I join my loved ones in Heaven, including Donnie, Dan’s twin who died at birth so long ago.

Helpfulness turns to Hope, Hope turns to Compassion and Compassion turns to Love. God is Love!!!
