
November 7, 2016 – Psalm 77:2-3

psalm77-2-3When I was in deep trouble, I searched for the Lord. All night long I prayed, with hands lifted toward heaven, but my soul was not comforted. I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with longing for his help. Psalm 77:2-3These two verses tell me that when we are troubled, in a quandary we cannot solve, we turn to God Almighty.  He humbles and reminds us to depend on Him, our Redeemer.  We are made in His image, but we do not possess the power to solve our problems and heartaches without Him. Our hearts groan for His help and safe keeping, when we hit one of the stone walls of life.O God, your ways are holy. You are the God of great wonders!  You, O God, control the powers of the earth to bring about your purposes.  We trust you. We are overwhelmed with longing for you in our lives, with every breath we take.The words of the old hymn are so true, there isn’t a moment when we don’t need You.  I need thee ,oh I need thee, Every hour I need thee, Oh bless me now my Savior, I come to thee! (A. Hawks)This praise song describes Who You Are! God of wonders, beyond our galaxy,You are holy, holy, The universe declares Your majesty, You are holy, holy! (C Tomlin)O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. By your strong arm, you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Psalm 77:13-15