The Beginning of the Story…

April 2012, my dear husband and I began a journey with an unknown beginning and
a known ending when he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. That day put a
label on the journey we would begin. I
remember sitting in the small room. The
painting on the wall made me wonder what we would see in the future. The doctor came in and sat down. In short
order he told me that my husband would just get worse, there was no cure. I listened, and wondered how I should
respond. Thank you? Scream, or cry? Deny everything I heard?
April 2012, my dear husband and I began a journey with an unknown beginning and
a known ending when he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia. That day put a
label on the journey we would begin. I
remember sitting in the small room. The
painting on the wall made me wonder what we would see in the future. The doctor came in and sat down. In short
order he told me that my husband would just get worse, there was no cure. I listened, and wondered how I should
respond. Thank you? Scream, or cry? Deny everything I heard?
disease would claim my husband’s mind in a gradual slow process. We laughed together and shared so much
together through our 62 years. We both love God and love worshiping with our
church family in Rogers. Our children
and their children were scattered in four different states. We chose where we would move for our last
days – to Illinois with our son, Tim. It
seemed the most logical and the least troublesome for our children. Tim, the son who was always in a hurry, came
and told me how to get ready. This son
logically told us what we should shed and what to keep and put the wheels of
moving into motion. He enlisted the help
of our two sons, in Georgia and Wisconsin, and our daughter in California.
disease would claim my husband’s mind in a gradual slow process. We laughed together and shared so much
together through our 62 years. We both love God and love worshiping with our
church family in Rogers. Our children
and their children were scattered in four different states. We chose where we would move for our last
days – to Illinois with our son, Tim. It
seemed the most logical and the least troublesome for our children. Tim, the son who was always in a hurry, came
and told me how to get ready. This son
logically told us what we should shed and what to keep and put the wheels of
moving into motion. He enlisted the help
of our two sons, in Georgia and Wisconsin, and our daughter in California.
our church family helped us in many ways, including our realtor selling our
house and others helping to pack. As
plans came together, I realized the presence of God all around me each day. What a comfort to know His peace. Even the selling of our burial plot was taken
care of by one of our church family. As
we left our home, I felt nothing but excitement about our new adventure. The pangs of homesickness for home and
friends were not there.
our church family helped us in many ways, including our realtor selling our
house and others helping to pack. As
plans came together, I realized the presence of God all around me each day. What a comfort to know His peace. Even the selling of our burial plot was taken
care of by one of our church family. As
we left our home, I felt nothing but excitement about our new adventure. The pangs of homesickness for home and
friends were not there.
remember Abraham and Sarah, who were told to travel to a new land from Ur of
Chaldees. How did they prepare for the travel? They did not know when their
journey was at an end. They were in an older age, too. As we stopped for meals along the way, I
wondered how Abraham and his entourage fared with no fast food, or a motel
along the way. We arrived at our new
home, carefully chosen and purchased by our son Tim and his wife. From church family who finished packing us
the last day on to our new church family, unpacking when we arrived and
bringing a meal.
remember Abraham and Sarah, who were told to travel to a new land from Ur of
Chaldees. How did they prepare for the travel? They did not know when their
journey was at an end. They were in an older age, too. As we stopped for meals along the way, I
wondered how Abraham and his entourage fared with no fast food, or a motel
along the way. We arrived at our new
home, carefully chosen and purchased by our son Tim and his wife. From church family who finished packing us
the last day on to our new church family, unpacking when we arrived and
bringing a meal.
Paul, Dan and Linda left. Tim and Karen
went back to work. Anna and her daughter
arrived home in California. Our journey was ended and we were home. Or were we?
Paul, Dan and Linda left. Tim and Karen
went back to work. Anna and her daughter
arrived home in California. Our journey was ended and we were home. Or were we?
worship with a new church family, see family every Sunday and in between, find
new doctors, make new friends as Ed’s disease slowly deepens. He began to take
imaginary trips to the Ranch to ride Penny, his pony, and ‘check’ on the
cattle. He often asks, “When we are going home?”
worship with a new church family, see family every Sunday and in between, find
new doctors, make new friends as Ed’s disease slowly deepens. He began to take
imaginary trips to the Ranch to ride Penny, his pony, and ‘check’ on the
cattle. He often asks, “When we are going home?”
the unexpected death of our son in Georgia in February, 2014, Anna came from
California to care for her Dad. Our two sons, Paul and Tim (with Tim’s wife and
daughter) travelled to Georgia with me to say goodbye to our son, Dan.
the unexpected death of our son in Georgia in February, 2014, Anna came from
California to care for her Dad. Our two sons, Paul and Tim (with Tim’s wife and
daughter) travelled to Georgia with me to say goodbye to our son, Dan.
we came back, Karen and I went to a Bible Study on Deuteronomy, The Law of Love.
It was then I realized in full force, that we are born on this earth,
packed and ready for a journey. Following Jesus is not a ‘stay-in-one-place’
life, but a lifelong-learning journey.
we came back, Karen and I went to a Bible Study on Deuteronomy, The Law of Love.
It was then I realized in full force, that we are born on this earth,
packed and ready for a journey. Following Jesus is not a ‘stay-in-one-place’
life, but a lifelong-learning journey.
Law of Love is how this journey is made. The Law of Love, found in the Bible,
as lived on earth by Jesus Christ. He gave his life on the Cross to provide a
‘coming in’ from the journey in this life. We can choose to live as we wish and make our
own rules. And by choosing to disobey,
we are choosing our eternity — separated from God.
Law of Love is how this journey is made. The Law of Love, found in the Bible,
as lived on earth by Jesus Christ. He gave his life on the Cross to provide a
‘coming in’ from the journey in this life. We can choose to live as we wish and make our
own rules. And by choosing to disobey,
we are choosing our eternity — separated from God.
Children of Israel learned the folly of disobedience through the 40 years spent
on a journey in the wilderness. Love is
not a one-way life. When we choose to
love God, a deep obedience follows that provides us joy, strength, peace,
kindness, goodness, self-control and patience and abundant love. Following God
makes our life purposeful.
Children of Israel learned the folly of disobedience through the 40 years spent
on a journey in the wilderness. Love is
not a one-way life. When we choose to
love God, a deep obedience follows that provides us joy, strength, peace,
kindness, goodness, self-control and patience and abundant love. Following God
makes our life purposeful.
Children of Israel were captives of Egypt.
They were brought out by Moses under God’s leading. Their destination was the Promised Land. We, too, are on a journey. Through Jesus
Christ we are delivered from sin and our destination is Heaven, our Promised
Land. God doesn’t bring us out of sin to
be stuck in between – but to ‘bring us in’ for His promise of eternal life.
Children of Israel were captives of Egypt.
They were brought out by Moses under God’s leading. Their destination was the Promised Land. We, too, are on a journey. Through Jesus
Christ we are delivered from sin and our destination is Heaven, our Promised
Land. God doesn’t bring us out of sin to
be stuck in between – but to ‘bring us in’ for His promise of eternal life.
do we learn the first step of our God-given journey – to love God? Live in
purity and holiness in thoughts, actions and words. See others through the eyes of Jesus with
love and forgiveness. Seek a close
relationship with God and his Only Son Jesus through prayer and listening. Each time we take a step in faith, our understanding
widens and God gives us a deeper love and assurance.
do we learn the first step of our God-given journey – to love God? Live in
purity and holiness in thoughts, actions and words. See others through the eyes of Jesus with
love and forgiveness. Seek a close
relationship with God and his Only Son Jesus through prayer and listening. Each time we take a step in faith, our understanding
widens and God gives us a deeper love and assurance.
one of my dear husband’s mythical trips to check on the cattle on the ranch, I
assured him that when he arrives in heaven his mind will again be clear. He looked at me and asked, “Promise?” I added, “And when you get to heaven, God
will send you to His many pastures to check on the cattle.” “….for every animal of the forest is
mine, and the
cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm 50:10.
one of my dear husband’s mythical trips to check on the cattle on the ranch, I
assured him that when he arrives in heaven his mind will again be clear. He looked at me and asked, “Promise?” I added, “And when you get to heaven, God
will send you to His many pastures to check on the cattle.” “….for every animal of the forest is
mine, and the
cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm 50:10.
Ed began telling me a story of being on the ranch
when he was young. His eyes closed, and
he soon fell asleep at the table. When he opened his eyes he continued without
a pause, “….and that was the beginning of
the story!”
when he was young. His eyes closed, and
he soon fell asleep at the table. When he opened his eyes he continued without
a pause, “….and that was the beginning of
the story!”
when we reach the end of the journey here on earth, walking with God, that is
the beginning of the story of living in love with our Lord Jesus Christ in His
when we reach the end of the journey here on earth, walking with God, that is
the beginning of the story of living in love with our Lord Jesus Christ in His
3:17-18 – But the wisdom that comes from
heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and
sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of
3:17-18 – But the wisdom that comes from
heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and
sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of
Peter 3:13 – But in keeping with his
promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness
Peter 3:13 – But in keeping with his
promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness