Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you.Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter. Isaiah 33:2-3Why is it that troubles of the night scatter at the first ray of the new day? Is it that darkness hides the unknown and becomes the bogey bear of childhood that menaces our thoughts and dreams?From the beginning God created night and day. The night for rest and the day for labor. The night rests our weary bones and the day rejuvenates our hearts for the blessings of the day. As the shadows drop like the curtains of life, evil lurks behind each shadow, ready to conquer our soul and threaten our lives.The darkness causes our faith and trust to grow. The shadows make us long for His glory and light. Hope is a lamp giving its light in the Shekinah of God’s Presence. His compassion and love never ends. His mercies and faithfulness never end. His love is everlasting and gives us a new beginning each day.Dear Lord, As the sun wakes me each day, may my first thought be of the New Day in the Lord. The Day of a New Beginning. May each dawn of my life be a series of newness of your forgiving love. Help me love those you have given me, with compassion and kindness, just as You love me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.