Today was blog day. and Joy in Jesus is the topic, and it is a big one. Nothing like Joy, and real joy is only available in Jesus.When I think of Joy, I think of Mom, jumping up and down, praising God for little victories like sewing thread coming out even, canning rows and rows of fruits and vegetables stored in the Siemens Cellar, practicing and being able to play songs correctly. She played for me the transcription of Silent Night that she tried to perfect for years. The notes filled the night like and irridescent fountain.Can you imagine the joy that Jesus, the author of our joy, exhibits when He sees one of us overcoming a battle with the Evil One. Or even more awesome is understanding our sinfulness and asking for forgiveness. I don’t think Jesus would say, “That’s nice!” Can you see the joy Jesus exhibits when one of His beloved has finished the race and is ready to come home. We have no idea of His Joy as angels sing and welcome home the children of God. All Heaven becomes trumpet sounds, welcome banners and a flurry of celebration.No wonder I sing, “I have the joy, joy, joy down in my heart!”“The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’ Matthew 25:23