July 19, 2018 – Psalm 85:8-11
I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him so our land will be filled with his glory. Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed! Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven. Psalm 85:8-11.
I read the first words of the scripture today — I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying. I wonder, do I really? Sometimes my thoughts or the world’s raucous noise easily overpowers the voice of the Lord. If I want peace, I know I will find it in His Word. Choosing to hear is the first step of ‘listening carefully.’
In the following portion of this scripture is a blessedness – Love and Truth – Righteousness and Peace. There is no room for anger, impatience, lies, or hatred when these words become our ‘love language’.
Truth springs up from the earth, for the Prince of Peace, created the earth and all that is in it. How we long for peace of mind and heart. 2 Corinthians 13:11 reminds us how we find God’s Peace – Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.
The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace. Psalm 29:11. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. Romans 5:11.
Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Righteousness goes as a herald before him, preparing the way for his steps. Psalm 85:12-13.