January 29, 2016 – Psalm 77:13-14
O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you? You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. Psalm 77:13-14Recognizing who God is – is the beginning of wisdom. Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge (Psalm 1:7a.)God is all powerful. No other One can make Creation quake, tremble, pour out rain, rumble in the sky, and makes lightning arrows light up the world.When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked! For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him! Isaiah 64:3-4.No one, since the world began, has heard or seen the wonders of the One and Only God. Whose only desires our faithfulness and honor so much that He sent His One and Only Son to become the blood sacrifice for our sins. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his One and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16Only believe and trust Him. Come to Jesus today to find peace when the waves rock our world. When things seem hopeless and we trust Him for forgiveness, pure love fills our hearts.When the Red Sea saw you, O God, its waters looked and trembled! The sea quaked to its very depths. The clouds poured down rain; the thunder rumbled in the sky. Your arrows of lightning flashed. Your thunder roared from the whirlwind; the lightning lit up the world! The earth trembled and shook. Psalm 77:16-18