December 1, 2016 – I Chronicles 16:31-32

Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Tell all the nations, “The Lord reigns!” Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! I Chronicles 16:31-32These three verses paint a silent picture of the heavens, earth, and all nations that we don’t think to listen for… Do you know what a verb is? It shows action. The earth rejoices and the heavens are glad. All nations must be told The Lord Reigns – is the Ruler, Supreme over all.Even the heavens, looking down on us, are glad. They know a secret. The earth knows the same secret and rejoices. The sea and everything in it, the whales, the sharks, the porpoises, cat fish, and even small perch, shout their praise of God.The fields and their crops of grain, and the fruit trees bearing fruit burst out with joy. They know the same secret…Jesus is coming soon!The trees, standing still, sing for joy! They raises their branches and point to God, from the lowly Elm Tree to the Mighty Red Oaks standing like towers. They point up, reaching for the sky. They are like sign posts, waiting, pointing to where Jesus will appear in the sky. The tree is not just a tree, it is our living messenger that He created.Where does your joy come from? When you learn the same secret His Creation knows, you, too, will sing with joy, praising Him! There is no fear, only rejoicing when we know the Jesus who teaches us Joy, a joy that lasts forever. God is love, mighty and alive all around us and He loves you!