
April 26, 2016 – Isaiah

Isaiah1-16-17Wash yourselves and be clean!  Get your sins out of my sight.  Give up your evil ways.  Learn to do good.  Seek justice.  Help the oppressed.  Defend the cause of orphans.  Fight for the rights of widows.  Isaiah 1:16-17.We can’t wash our sins away with soap and water, but there is a way.  We are commanded to give up our evil ways and instead learn to do good.  We are to see the right, look for the good in and for everyone.  Especially for orphans and widows.How can we wash our sins away.  Bad things we do, sin, is in our heart.  If we can’t use soap and water, what do we use?  A long time ago, the God we worship, the God who is Love, showed us His Love when He sent his only Son to earth to die on the cross for our sins.  We are talking about Jesus.  He died for us, that we might live.  Jesus gave his life to be a sacrifice for our sins, so our sins, that are a stain in our hearts can be without sin.  White as snow.The blood of Jesus is God’s soap for our hearts to wash us clean.  God and Jesus want us to be ready to see Heaven.  They want us to be holy, without sin, even as God is Holy.  When our hearts are white as snow or wool, our hearts are forgiven.  We no longer experience the guilt that comes when we sin, for we ask for forgiveness.  Life lived for Jesus and with God gives us joy and peace.  A holy life with forgiven sin gives us freedom in Christ and hope unending, God loves us, each one.“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make then as white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.  Isaiah 1:18.