July 24 2014
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart.And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27It is 3:30 am, the third morning that Ed has been getting up earlier and earlier, wanting breakfast. BLBD (Before Lewy Body Dementia), this would not be a problem. Now, he comes to my room and wakes me up. He wants breakfast. He has no idea of time or space, just the rhythms of his body.I breathe in this verse from John, and wonder if it has the power to help me go into Rem Sleep that my body cries out for. My eyes grow tired, and my breathing slows.Thank you, God, for your peace. It is true. God is good. All the time. Thoughts of family, their faces rush past. Praises and Prayer as the face pass through my mind. And I know that this is a lesson that God is teaching me. To trust, and know that He created me and knows me. He will bring me rest/Grace has rhythms, too. Love comes like a storm and brings calm and blessings. And I remember this verse, and my soul finds rest in Thee, O, Lord.“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:29-30