But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
I will go whereever you lead
However your love demands.
But Lord, it seems too hard
To do some of the things you ask
Like going the second mile…
It’s easier to wear the saved-mask.
Or for the homeless or lost
For the hurting ones I give
Just a token pat on the head
I’m sure you will see
That these are souls are fed.
Just don’t ask me Lord
I’m bound for bigger things
And I draw up my righteousness
And raise my voice to sing.
Then one day in sorrow I cried
Solace and joy in you denied
Empty my heart of me
And fill it just with Thee!
Romans 5:5 –
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
It is piously said,
“It’s not about me.”
But I want the newest
And best – and it it must be.
Then I learned of Jesus
And “it’s not about me”
It’s Jesus my Saviour
So begins the ecstasy.
Though I give attention to
What I eat and wear, you see
It’s not the best of life.
“It’s not about me.”
It’s about my Creator
And His sacrifice for me
I can truly say in love,
“It’s not about me.”
September 12, 2010
Matthew 5:48 –
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
When I’m like you
It’s simply not tough.
And liking someone
Who is more like me
Creates a friendship
That’s so easy.
It’s when I must be
Perfect, just like God
That my imperfections
Show I’m a fraud.
Doing good doesn’t matter
It’s being transformed within
And the DNA of God
Show from under my skin.
The secret of holiness
Is that when supernatural
is made natural, that I’m
Perfectly beautiful!
September 11, 2010
Hebrew 4:14-15 – Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let’s not let it slip through our fingers. We don’t have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He’s been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin.
When I accepted Jesus
As my Savior, Lord and King
He gave me His possessions
That make my heart sing.
What is sin that an destroy
What can I do that i wrong
And separates me from God
And stills that heavenly song.
Satan wants to tear me down
And rob me of these gifts
He’ll simply changes my view
And my attitude shifts.
Then my heart has lost
Its reason to sing
My heart is in darkness
And I feel Satan’s sting.
I’ve lost His love, joy and peace
I’ve lost His kindness and goodness
And self-control, I’ve lost patience, too
My soul walks in blindness.
Help me understand, dear Lord,
Capture my heart and mind.
Help my soul to stand on tiptoe.
Forgive me, its You, I must find!
September 10, 2010
From a prayer — “the next thing…”
What do I do, dear Lord
To show my love for you?
How can I witness your love
How can I make my life anew?
Then a small voice whispers
Deep within my heart
Do the next thing, my child
Do the next thing, it’s a start.
Each morning when I arise
My heart to Him I bring
When I ask what to do,
He whispers, Child, do the next thing.
The tasks I see before me
Are not the grand things I long for
But being faithful in
The next thing — with Him, I’ll soar!
September 8, 2010
Matthew 6:6 –
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
With my eyes on God
I come to Him in prayer
I come to Him as a child
For I know He is there.
He holds my heart
Tenderly in His Hands
He treats me as my Father
Ready to answer, He stands.
How can I not love Him
How can I not care
He who holds the world
Holds me in every prayer.
I pray in secret
I pray as I walk
I pray every moment.
I pray when I talk.
As I travel so wearily
His love sustains me
Though I am so weary
Praying sustains me.
September 7, 2010
II Corinthians 4:2 –
Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.
An evil thought enters in.
I entertain evil a bit too long
And it beomes my dark sin.
Then I cry out in anguish
I cry out in spiritual pain
Capture my mind and heart again.
For I cannot live this way
Just capture my mind and heart
I want to live in You – free again.
September 5, 2010
John 17:4 –
I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.
The voices followed me
As I fled,
I surrender
The words said.
Surrender what?
Surrender how?
What do I give up?
I’m not ready now.
Then a whisper
In my heart cried,
It’s not giving up
Open your heart wide.
Then I knew without
A doubt, I’d find
Unbroken communion
Salvation You designed!
September 4, 2010
Matthew 20:22 –
“You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”
“We can,” they answered.
I ask of you
A strong faith
A faith, solid and ture.
I ask for a faith
As clear as the sky
Unclouded and blue
And I ‘ll never ask why.
When my faith
Seems cloudy and dark
Part the clouds so I see
My faith-bookmark.
When my way grows weary
And my faith falters
I lose the perfect way.
Help me, Lord, its You, I choose.
Faith in You is a beacon
That guides my way
Your faithfulness guides
Me – in Your way each day.
September 2, 2010
I worship you in secret
When no one sees
I worship Your bigness
Mightier than the skies and seas.
I worship you in secret
When no man knows
I worship your goodness
And kindness that grows.
I worship you in secret
Raising my arms to you.
My heart fills with your glory
Its Your love, I pursue.
September 2 — on the way to prayer. The clouds held a message:

I see you in the clouds
Wanting to gather us home
Watching as we struggle
To reach our heavenly home.
Suddenly His light shows through
And the light shines right on me
Nothing is so brilliant
So brilliant, I can hardly see.
Is it you, Dear Lord, have you come?
The light is so bright that I can’t see
Your form and face dissolve in the light
Come Quickly, Lord, I fall on my knees.