On the first day of the week, we gatheredwith the local believers to share in the Lord’s Supper.
Paul was preaching to them, and since he was leaving the next day, he kept talking until midnight.The upstairs room where we met was lighted with many flickering lamps. Acts 20:7-8It's time, I hear through the ages, as Grandpa Suderman let the choir music ring through his head one more time. Grandma Suderman made sure all the children were clean behind their ears and stilled their laughter. Grandpa Siemens went behind the barn to once more let nature hear the sermon before he preached to the congregation. To Grandpa Herman Siemens, Sunday morning meant milking the cow and feeding the chickens. He practiced the Bible Story to his three children on Saturday night. Grandma Daisy prepared a roast with potatoes and carrots to cook slowly in the oven and gathered her musicthat she played for the service, either organ or piano. What did the children learn? They learned that on each first day of the week, everything was set aside to gather around the Lord's table to worship Jesus Christ. In churches, large and small across our country God's people still meet and still worship and praise God. It isn't a ritual, meeting together with brothers and sisters of Christ is of the heart and from the heart. ...all the believers lifted their voices together in prayer to God: “O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. Acts 4:23b