

Genesis3-8When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. Genesis 3:8Have you ever distinguished the footsteps in your home?  I remember hearing my Mom bounce out of the bed when her feet hit the floor every morning.  I knew by the sound of his footsteps when Dad walked down the hall.When I read this scripture, I imagined the cool evening breezes in the Garden of Eden. I could see the man and the woman, Adam and Eve, cowering behind a honeysuckle bush.  They heard the the Lord God’s footsteps walking to and fro.  How did they know it was God?  He often walked in His Garden.  Just as He walks in our lives…can you hear Him walking in your life?When we are not obeying God’s Word, we cower and try to hide from God.  A futile ploy, as God’s eyes see all.  Contrary to those who declare God is dead, our God is very real.  He loves us.  We are His children.During the night, the reset button on the electrical switch plate caused darkness in the bathroom.  No light at all.  When we fear the Lord and obey Him, we walk in the light.  However, we walk in darkness when we disobey and turn away our source of light.  Our reset button is Repentance. Turning back to God, we can rely on the light returning in our lives.  It is then we trust in the Lord with our whole heart and soul and mind.  We can walk easily in the light, for we know we stumble in the darkness.Who among you fears the Lord and obeys his servant?  If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on your God.  Isaiah 50:10