
September 24, 2015 – Jeremiah 31:35

Jeremiah31-35This is what the Lord says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the Lord Almighty is his name. Jeremiah 31:35My first step into the Pacific Ocean was a time of worship as I realized the power and might of the ocean — God’s Creation.  The Lord Almighty is the Almighty Supreme.Just as He created the mighty oceans and the high mountains whose tops reach into the Heavens, He cares for the lowly sparrow.  The swallow has its own nest near the altar of our King and God.  He cares for each of us.  We are created in His image and His friends.What friend grumbles and complains?  What friend forgets to recognize or speak to us?  What friend love us, no matter what?Do you want to be friends with the Lord Almighty? Do you want a home with Him who loves each of us?    It is easy.  Romans 5:11 tells us. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty!… Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young –a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God. Psalm 84:1,3